3 Great Websites about Orthotics and Prosthetics
Hello everyone! There are several websites that talk about so many interesting things concerning orthesis and prosthesis! All are very great and it is difficult to choose the most representative ones. Today, I will tell you about the three best websites, in my opinion, that I discovered that are in my field of study. As you know, I have been studying in Orthotics and Prosthetics for 3 years, a program that promotes the health and well-being of the patient. So, there is my listicle to show you my top three websites regarding orthesis and prosthesis.
1. Discover the profession with OPCareers website.
What I like about this website is that it describes everything you need to know about what ortheses and prostheses are. They explain in detail everything you want to know: what is Orthotics, Prosthetics, Pedorthics, career outlook, O & P Technology and the differences between them. They also describe the program of study. They explain the difference between the people who are part of an orthotics and prosthetics laboratory: Fitters, Pedorthists, Technicians, Assistants, Practitioners, etc. and what they need to study to do this job. It is a good website that summarizes the most important things you need to know about this program.
⟶ http://www.opcareers.org/default.asp
2. Find out about the animal orthotics and prosthetics website, Ortho Design.

⟶ http://orthodesign.ca/index_en.html
3. Visit Medicus lab website and learn about the company activities.

⟶ http://www.medicus.ca/en/
In conclusion, these three websites give a lot of information related to my field of study. I hope you will take a look and that you enjoy what you discover in my listicle! Moreover, perhaps this will encourage you to go study in this field!
Woooow! It's very good!