Hypertext Narrative
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Start here or see the diagram . It all started like this. Finally! I finished my last year at Armand-Corbeil High School. Even so, it was 5 beautiful years spent with really extraordinary friends! Unfortunately, it seems that now our paths are separating. I must now choose what I want to do with my life. It's difficult, anyway, to find the perfect career where you see yourself spend your entire life. It's stressful. To find my way, I’ve visited several college web sites and did several open houses. My attention was focused on the program named Orthotics and Prosthetics at Montmorency College. Now, I don’t know if it is better to do the program in 3, 4 or 5 years because it is a very difficult program and I also have to do my basic courses. Choice 1: Go in 3 years Choice 2: Go in 4 years Choice 3: Go in 5 years Scene 2. Well, I chose to do my program in 3 years. Anyway, the sooner I finish my studies, the better it is, even if I have 8 courses per semester. I...
A day in the life : Prosthetist
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- Autres applications After all this, I have to get some tea, and I feel a sweet draft of wind because a kind lady, who is around 70 years old, is coming right now in my office and she is diabetic. Due to poor blood circulation, she lost her limb not many years ago. She does not walk great distances, she moves herself around the house and uses her wheelchair most of the time. Her fitting, today, made to her member below the knee is a success, she feels very comfortable in it and she wants me to finish it. I'll have it for two weeks and I'll have to put some paint on the outside of the device, so we'll have to go outside, together, with a set of color samples. It's much better to choose the color that the complexion of the prosthesis will have with sunlight, then we will see better which one will match closer to her own color of skin - the appropriate color of the complexion is not the same vision for everyone - we alread...
3 Great Websites about Orthotics and Prosthetics
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Hello everyone! There are several websites that talk about so many interesting things concerning orthesis and prosthesis! All are very great and it is difficult to choose the most representative ones. Today, I will tell you about the three best websites, in my opinion, that I discovered that are in my field of study. As you know, I have been studying in Orthotics and Prosthetics for 3 years, a program that promotes the health and well-being of the patient. So, there is my listicle to show you my top three websites regarding orthesis and prosthesis. 1. Discover the profession with OPCareers website. What I like about this website is that it describes everything you need to know about what ortheses and prostheses are. They explain in detail everything you want to know: w hat is Orthotics, Prosthetics, Pedorthics, career outlook, O & P Technology and the differences between them. They also describe the program of study. They explain the difference between the people who...
The problem of prononciation - Orthotics&Prosthetics
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Definitions Used In Orthotics And Prosthetics
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Hello everyone, here is my glossary. I study Orthotics and Prosthetics at College Montmorency. In this program, we see how to make various orthosis and prosthesis and we use very specific terms to designate things such as ; what term means "towards the middle"? The answer is "medial". It is then necessary to be well understood by our colleagues or by our patients. So, to be well understood and to use the appropriate language, it is necessary to learn the notions associated with orthesis and prosthesis. This glossary will help you better understand and explain the terms used in Orthotics and Prosthetics. Abduction The act of moving the hip (and residual limb) away from the middle line of the body. Adduction The act of moving the hip (and residual limb) toward the middle line of the body. Alignment Position of prosthetic socket in relation to foot and knee. Amputation Removal of a body part through surgery or trauma. Anterior The front of the body. Atrophy ...